With the upcoming release of my novella, Frolic on the Amaranthyn, I went back and collected all the various loose-leaf sheets of writing (both typed and handwritten) that I could find which were vital in helping to reach the final product. That’s not including notebook pages, things jotted down on my phone, a sample proof-copy I had printed out of the book fully bound (through Barnes & Noble Press), or any other sheets that have probably gotten lost somewhere in the ever-growing clutter of life, but in total they came to about 117 pages!

Doing this, I was reminded of how far the story has come since its initial drafts, and of how much work was necessary to get it in this current state that I’m satisfied with releasing. Sometimes it definitely seemed like a never-ending project, an endeavor with which I would be perpetually be working on without an endpoint in sight. But without that stringent and unwavering dedication to pushing through until it was something that met the standards I was aiming for, I don’t think I would be as proud of the finished product as I am now! Hopefully I can take this mindset into the future projects I have planned, and remind myself that no matter how insurmountable the writing process might feel at any given moment, it can be totally worth it in the end.